I had the extreme pleasure and honor to be a part of a book collaboration that showcased twenty seven beautiful women that shared their stories of pain, triumph and willingness to overcome some pretty difficult times! Only to rise and be better because of it!
You see, I believe we are put here for exactly that! To experience.. to FEEL... then to heal and to share so others can see not only possibility, but also soo it can be done in a much shorter time!!!
We are brought here to love.. and to help others... through it all!
Life was never promised to be perfect... but it sure is beautiful. Especially when we can live that life of purpose and service to others.
You can read all about it in our book that I'm sharing with you here...
Sit back and enjoy chapter after chapter of getting to walk in someone else's shoes.. and see them rise in the end!!
We are on a mission to make the family bulletproof.
It’s time for regular, every day families, to change the status quo. It’s time for us to take back our power and change our collective futures.
In this book you’ll find the true and inspirational stories of twenty-seven women who chose to take a chance and believe that there could be more to life than what they were living.
These twenty-seven women hail from the United States, Canada, South Africa, and Australia. They represent every profession you can imagine from homeschooling moms, to doctors, nurses, coaches, CEO’s, PHD holders and more… But most importantly, they represent hope.

If you’re tired of living life on repeat, tired of feeling enslaved to corporate America, tired of wondering if this is as good as life is ever going to get, then get ready.
The stories in this book are going to show you that anything is possible and we’ve got the blueprint to prove it.
Buy Your Copy HERE
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